Saturday, March 1, 2008

More polls then votes.

Have you noticed this Election year,that there seems to be more polls then actually votes this year? We have polls for age,race,gender,location,how poor you are,and prolly other things.
But I would like to introduce a new poll,How Midgets are voting...i'm curious how are short little friends are voting in this election..does anyone care?
Well I do,so here are some numbers :
GOP - 75,000 midgets are registerd to vote
Thus far 60,000 have voted,here are some exit poll numbers
56,000 believe the machines are to big,and 4,000 had to use a chair to reach the buttons
as for voting, all 60,000 have voted for Ron Paul,believeing that going back to the old days will give midgets a reason to cheer,as the political correctness of today is horrible.
Democrats - 100,000 midgets
All have voted for Obama,believeing his change will help them "grow"

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